Located in Belgium, DSi provides radio-tracing solutions dedicated to the development of IC engines and lubricants, such as continuous measurement of lube oil consumption, fuel-in-oil, wear, lube oil aeration, etc.
Since 2000, DSi develops Engine & Lubricant Test Tools for the Racing Industry including Formula One and Nascar engine suppliers.
Our Key Products and Services for the Racing Industry
Air-X for Lube Oil Aeration measurement:
• Online sensors with short response time
• Available for wet and dry-sump engines
• Suitable for on-board or dyno applications
• Dual-sensor version to measure the efficiency of de-aerators and oil tanks
• The reference tool for the measurement of lube oil aeration
Air-Mix for Lube Oil Aeration production:
• Oil conditioner able to simulate a race engine in term of lube oil output with adjustable temperature, pressure, and aeration rate
• Available as a complete test rig to evaluate auxiliary components without having to run the short-lived and expensive engines
TC-Lube for Oil Conditioning:
• Short-response lubrication system to simulate race condition
• Adjustable scavenging capabilities
TLA / RNT for online wear measurement:
• To measure the wear in real operating condition
• To quantify low viscosity lubricant impacts on wear
• To precisely measure the wear of low friction and DLC coating in real-operating conditions