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Carrs Welding Technologies Ltd


Carrs Welding Technologies Ltd

Carrs are a work shop for repairing and welding metal components. We are a small SME of 12 workers and we are laser welding experts. Carrs are in the middle of the England and is well situated for access, so our clients can bring their jobs for discussion about the repair technique and time scales.

  +44 (0)1536 412828

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Laser welding at Carrs Welding

Carrs’ laser weld blocks to heads to spark plugs to alloy wheel…….by adding similar material to the original, which can then be machined back to the original. The benefits with laser welding are the high precision, the deep penetration, but without high heat and just no thermal distortion.

Carrs have recently invested in a 500-watt laser for larger deposits which will help get your repaired parts back to you quicker than ever.

Photo of engine block

This block had all the crank bearing seats all worn after many years, but the block is good to use if these seats can be re-built for new bearing shells to be fitted and this block can go back in to run for another lifetime.

OK so, there is a but… laser welding is really only good for building worn areas or corroded/porous areas where leaking through the gasket, oil to water, water to the cylinder, oil to outside etc… It is no good at cracks in alloys or areas that you can’t access as the laser needs to be able to focus on the area to be welded.

Laser welding works by fusing a filler wire of a similar hardness and a compatibility that makes it perform as the original metal did, the extreme heat of the laser beam is good for fusing the local area without heating the whole job, hence no distortion to areas that already are finished and accurate. The skill of the Carrs’ welders to match the material and then prepare the repair area and clad it with just enough metal to finish back at the original tolerance.

Photo of repaired cylinder head

Every job is different and has to be assessed by someone at Carrs, so the best action is to give Tom or Ali a call on 01536 412828 and to speak to them about your application…

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